Saturday, April 6, 2013

A Quilt for G-ma

A year ago I was starting to put together some awesome plans to spend the summer of 2012 interning in NYC right in the Financial District. Yah.... a block from Wall Street. I'm kind of a big deal. It was one of the most amazing trips ever. I LOVE NYC and the amazing energy that there is in that city. Side note: Randi's dream - go study cake decorating in NYC. Yah... how ridiculously cool will that be?! I'll get there eventually.

Back to my 2012 trip. That trip was amazing and I had amazing personal and profession experiences that I just could not get here in the booming metropolis of Edmonton. It was awesome. That trip would not have happened if it wasn't for the amazing support of many people, most importantly my parents and my grandparents. So, as a thank you for the contribution that my grandparents made, I made them a cake! It's kinda my thing. My grandma is the most amazing quilter in the whole entire world. (I know that sounds like a hyperbole and maybe it is but just trust me that she is awesome.) In reference to this I made a quilt cake for my G-ma and G-pa. Awww!

Oh, and I have also included a picture of a quilt she has helped me with and that I have been working on for 6 years. Yah, forever. I just don't have that much spare time okay!

Summer is Coming!!

I know the fact that the snow outside seems to never, ever, ever, ever, ever want to go away can be a bit discouraging but summer is coming!!! It better be..... Anyways, what better way to celebrate the melting snow than through a delicious cake! I'm pretty proud of my fantastic hammock. Please take note of its awesomeness. And the adorable footprints.

My Most Favouritest Cakes... Some of Them Anyways.

Well, I have been pretty bad at keeping this updated lately. I will be the first to admit that. Don't fret internet world, I still love cakes and I still love making them. I have actually been taking some time lately to attempt to perfect the french macaron. I failed a little bit. Haha! That's a lie. They always taste AWESOME but about 50% of the time I am still getting cracks. I will get them perfect eventually. I am determined.

Anyways. I am rambling. Today I thought it would be fun to just post some of my favorite cakes that I have made. These have been made over the last three years for a wide variety of reasons. The common denominator is that I love them. And you should to. So, without further ado, here we go!