Wednesday, January 23, 2013

End of the World

So, I had the most fantastic New Year's ever. I skipped out on the getting dolled up and the parties and the dancing and had a night in with movies and a cake to create. Yay!!! I know to some people that might sound lame but it was heavenly to me. 8 movies later I had a fantastic new creation. Lucky for the bride and groom the world didn't end and they were able to have their beautiful wedding and this cake didn't go to waste.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Disaster to Divine

Sometimes making cakes drives me absolutely crazy. And yet I simultaneously love it. Haha! I know it makes no sense. Cakes and I are in a complicated relationship. Facebook can confirm it.

I was super stoked for this cake. Karina and Mike are adorable. I went over to their place and they impressed me so much with how well they just for together. We planned out a cake and I was giddy-excited to make it happen.

Actually making it turned into a disaster. I had some major major issues with the fondant and had to recover three of the four layers. Drove me crazy. But, I am stubborn and fought and I think it turned out alright! Yay weddings!
