Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Hats off to Downton

Well boys and girls in the blog world, here it is, my fabulous hat cake. I know, I am horrible at this blogging thing but hopefully I can make up for it with really cool cakes.

I seriously had doubts the ENTIRE time I was making this. On the Thursday night I rolled out the gum paste used to make the brim of the cake and proceeded to try and set it up somehow to make the shape I wanted once it had dried. It was probably the most ridiculous thing ever. I had plates stacked up and the perfectly shaped lid of my garbage can (which I cleaned thoroughly) leaned up against those and balled up newspaper and Saran Wrap and tea towels and cardboard and all this ridiculous stuff all carefully placed to make the perfect shape. It looked ridiculous and then some. But miracle of all miracles, it somehow worked! And I am quite proud of it.

Oh, one final thing. To complete the awesomeness of the cake, the cake on both the top of the hat and at the bottom of the stand was a delicious red velvet cake. Not only was it delicious but it was just so classy! Thank you red velvet for your classiness and for completing the awesomeness of my beautiful Downton Abbey themed cake.

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely stunning and amazing that it worked out so so well!!!!
